Score system demystified

Score system demystified

Rewards Quadropoly score system is quite complex, with many elements being not 100% intuitive. The goal of the system is to reward certain behaviors which would help speed up the learning and improve gameplay for the player in a long run. In this post I will try to describe and explain all challenges and in-game […]

Rise of the machines

Rise of the machines

How would one go about creating intelligent bots to play Monopoly, with trading being the main (if not the only) intelligence test with almost nothing to start with? It might look like a task with infinite number of variables (and it is), but don’t rush to pronounce the issue unsolvable.

Game balance

Game balance

Few people think about the balance as it is hard to get right after a handful of games. Everything related to the balance of the game should be tested on at least a few thousands of games, preferably hundreds of thousands.